Equine Pre-Purchase Exams
Buying a horse is a big decision and it is recommended to have a Pre- Purchase Exam performed to detect any abnormal findings that may impact the future use of the horse. This includes a written report with the findings and professional advice by the vet. For more information, or to book an appointment, please contact us.
5 Stage Pre- Purchase Exam of the Horse
The Equine Veterinarians Australia group (EVA) has made a standard protocol for Pre- Purchase Exams of horses. At Yarra Ranges Animal Hospital we follow this “5-Stage Exam” which includes:
1. Clinical Exam:
- Eyes
- Mouth and teeth
- Skin
- Hearts & Lungs
- Feet
- Tendons, ligaments, backs & musculature
2. Horse in motion
- Walking, trotting, lungeing, turning, backing
- Flexion tests
- Neurological function
3. Fast work/under saddle and cardiorespiratory fitness
4. Assess response & recovery from fast work
5. Special exam/sedation – dental, eyes, ears (head)
- If indicated X-ray/endoscope/ultrasound can be requested or performed. We now have portable digital radiography for Pre Purchase Exams.
The pre-purchase exam is for the buyer of the horse, not for seller, and the vet performing the exam should not be the regular vet seeing the horse.
The pre-purchase exam does not give a pass or fail outcome. The vet will compose a list in report form stating the findings and the vet will give her opinion on the potential risks or consequences of those findings, or offer further testing if a risk assessment cannot be made on clinical findings alone.
The 5 stage pre purchase exam takes approximately 2 hours to perform. To book your Pre- Purchase Exam, please contact us.
We now have a new portable digital x-ray machine which means we can come to your property, x-ray your horse and get the images straight away! This aids in diagnostics as we save time and it allows repeated radiographs of a certain area if indicated. The images can then easily be stored digitally at our clinic and/or sent off to other consulting veterinarians if needed. This also serves as an option for a pre-purchase exam where radiopgraphs sometimes may be needed or wanted.
If you want your horse examined and possibly radiographed, don’t hesitate to call us.
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