
Pre-Purchase exam FAQ’s

2023-05-25T14:18:40+10:00May 25th, 2023|Equine|

Pre-Purchase Exam FAQ's   1) What is a Pre-purchase Exam?  A pre-purchase exam (also called a vet check or PPE) is a full 5 stage clinical examination by a registered veterinarian of a horse for sale, performed on behalf of the person purchasing the horse. It involves a full check over and examination at rest, including

Arboviruses in horses

2022-11-24T10:41:11+11:00November 24th, 2022|Equine|

Arboviruses in horses – a potential concern with all this rain! With all the recent rain we have been getting in Victoria the number of mosquitoes around has also increased. Unfortunately mosquitoes can be involved in the transmission cycle of certain viruses called Arboviruses whereby disease can be transferred to horses (and other species /

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